What people are saying ...
"Ghost in the Shell meets the Millennium series in this quintessentially American cyberpunk thriller."
"Visually expletive and quietly raw.
A thoroughly satisfying read."
"The high-concept tale will play out vividly in readers' minds, begging for a screenplay adaptation because Tron's world is easily imaginable..."
"[O]ne of the best dystopian novels I’ve read."
"[G]reat balance of suspenseful action and compelling reflection on how much we are all controlled by our circumstances.”
"It was effortless to envision this novel on the widescreen played by a popular actor."
"The fascinating plot, intriguing setting and solid characterization for Tronick made this book an engaging read."
"An absolute rollercoaster of Badass."
"The author builds a world made entirely of holographs and wires and machines that go brrrrr and makes it sound somehow both gritty and beautiful.”
Ghost in the Shell meets the Millennium series in this quintessentially American cyberpunk thriller.
... Record's gritty debut novel opens with a whirlwind of sensory impressions that feel momentarily confusing. Now and then, the story arc is enveloped in a fog of rough sex and appalling violence, yet Record's stellar writing and excellent character development penetrate and illuminate these diversions. The high-concept tale will play out vividly in readers' minds, begging for a screenplay adaptation because Tron's world is easily imaginable, a dystopian near-future that America, in particular, may be headed toward. If so, hopefully imperfect but savvy women like Mira Killian, Lisbeth Salander, and Fiona Tronick are fighting for the right side.
Record manages to accomplish something that is often lost in dystopian stories—she mixes in a heavy dose of character, cerebration, and heart over a sleek and all too realistic backdrop. Fiona Tronick doesn’t just amble through the story. She is the story. Her inner turmoil and independent spirit feels real and heartfelt.
Dystopian stories often exist in a bubble of, This is just the way the world is, but TRONICK takes its time setting the scene and creating a world that could exist in our near future.
Visually expletive and quietly raw. A thoroughly satisfying read.
—Bobby Sansivero, Film director
Tronick’s dystopian future is easy to see and well explained. The walls Fiona builds to protect herself mirror the Annex’s walls around this futuristic California. The author builds a world made entirely of holographs and wires and machines that go brrrrr and makes it sound somehow both gritty and beautiful. The lack of humanity in her world creates a foil for the immense humanity Tronick has inside her. She is, by definition, different than the others. ... Fiona Tronick often feels deeply and struggles to keep herself sane with the dark secrets that surround her. For her and the public, the reality is truly a construct but the question hangs heavy: by whose construction?
—San Francisco Book Review
Rosie Record has created a powerful, captivating vision of a future that could very well be. A world where the populace’s every action is monitored and every thought is subjected to subconscious bombardment. Record’s antihero, Fiona Tronick, is no costumed avenger. She’s a woman, mostly alone in an uncaring world, trying to stay alive long enough to answer the questions that have been haunting her.
This is one of the best dystopian novels I’ve read—a great balance of suspenseful action and compelling reflection on how much we are all controlled by our circumstances.
—Joel Pierson, Author of The Messenger Series
Rosie Record brings us a marvelous cyberpunk noir full of drugs and thugs, government propaganda and corporate scheming, double agents and double crosses, gun-fights, and bloody noses. ... The text is densely soaked in color and emotion, twists, and uncertainty. A shiny neon dystopia soaked in a nihilistic gray morality, dripping with the slime of corruption, lust, and greed.
... Don’t expect a kiss and a fade to black. True to both the cyberpunk and the noir genres, the ending is as ambiguous as the characters. After all, this is really an exposition on the difference between faith and reality. Are those just shadows we see on the wall of our cave, or is what we believe about the world the truth? How did we get here? What is on the other side?
—Reader Views
Tronick is an immersive dive into the dystopia of tomorrow and one heroine’s war against the monsoon of societal psychosis. Tronick is the antithesis of the modern hero and all the more exciting for it. The brutal honesty, sensuality and ruthlessness in pursuit of the truth is a gulp of air for anyone drowning in the stale suffocation of the modern day. The reader is drawn in from the first and taken on a wild, ferocious ride until the very end. An absolute rollercoaster of Badass.
—Liz Chen, Founder and Director of Dedimus Potestatem